Troubleshooting: Division 2 Delta 03 error code on Windows 10

  • Delta 03 error code is a bad connection to The Division 2 servers.
  • If you lose connection to the game’s server, either from your side or from Ubisoft, you’ll be disconnected.
  • In some cases, the game server shuts down due to a false positive from an installed security application.
  • In this Techquack article, you’ll learn a few effective ways to solve this problem in the game.


In the world of Division 2, where thrilling missions and intense battles await, encountering the Delta-03 error code on Windows 10 can dampen the excitement. But fear not, as we unveil effective solutions to fix this pesky issue.

Check your internet connection: The Delta-03 error code in Division 2 often occurs due to connectivity issues. Make sure your internet connection is stable and try restarting your router/modem. If you are using a wireless connection, consider switching to a wired connection for a more stable connection.

Troubleshooting Methods for Division 2 Delta-03 Error Code

If you’re experiencing the Division 2 Delta-03 error code on Windows 10, there are a few troubleshooting methods you can try to resolve the issue.

First, check your network connection for any TCP/IP inconsistencies. Restart your router and ensure that your DNS settings are correct.

If the error persists, try opening the necessary ports in your firewall and router settings. Additionally, disable any third-party security suites that may be interfering with the game.

It’s also worth checking the Ubisoft server status to ensure there are no ongoing issues.

If none of these solutions work, you may need to contact Ubisoft support or visit their official forums for further assistance. Remember to provide them with as much information about your platform, network, and the specific error code (Delta-03) you’re encountering.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to fix the Division 2 Delta-03 error code and get back to enjoying the game.

Common Division 2 Error Codes

  • Delta-03: This error code indicates a connection issue between your computer and the Division 2 servers.
  • Error code 3-00020002: This error typically occurs when there is a problem with your internet connection or firewall settings.
    Delta-03: This error code indicates a connection issue between your computer and the Division 2 servers.
Error code 3-00020002: This error typically occurs when there is a problem with your internet connection or firewall settings.
  • Error code Romeo-03: This error code suggests a problem with the network connectivity, often caused by a firewall or antivirus software.
  • Error code Mike-01: This error is commonly associated with a server connectivity issue, usually due to high server traffic or maintenance.
  • Error code Bravo-09: This error indicates a problem with the game’s installation files, possibly caused by a corrupt or incomplete download.
  • Error code Echo-03: This error occurs when there is an issue with the game’s servers or a problem with your internet connection.
    Error code Bravo-09: This error indicates a problem with the game's installation files, possibly caused by a corrupt or incomplete download.
Error code Echo-03: This error occurs when there is an issue with the game's servers or a problem with your internet connection.
  • Error code Tango-01: This error often indicates a problem with the game’s servers, which may be temporarily unavailable or experiencing high traffic.
  • Error code Oscar-02: This error code suggests a problem with your internet connection or network settings, causing a failure to connect to the game servers.
  • Error code Alpha-02: This error typically occurs when there is an issue with the game’s servers, often due to maintenance or high server load.
  • Error code Sierra-01: This error code suggests a problem with your internet connection or network configuration, causing a failure to establish a connection with the game servers.
    Error code Alpha-02: This error typically occurs when there is an issue with the game's servers, often due to maintenance or high server load.
Error code Sierra-01: This error code suggests a problem with your internet connection or network configuration, causing a failure to establish a connection with the game servers.

Router and DNS Solutions for Division 2 Errors

Router and DNS solutions can help address Division 2 Delta-03 error code on Windows 10. If you’re encountering this error, try the following steps:

1. Restart your router: Power off your router, wait for a few seconds, and then turn it back on. This can help resolve network inconsistencies that may be causing the error.

2. Check your DNS settings: A DNS inconsistency can also lead to the Delta-03 error. Ensure that your DNS settings are configured correctly. You can use Google’s public DNS ( and for better effectiveness.

3. Verify your network connections: Make sure that your PC is properly connected to the internet. Check your Ethernet or Wi-Fi connections and ensure they are stable.

4. Disable third-party security suite: In some cases, third-party security software can interfere with game connections. Temporarily disable any security software and check if the error persists.

By following these steps, you can troubleshoot and resolve Division 2 Delta-03 error code on Windows 10. If the issue persists, consider reaching out to the game’s support team or referring to dedicated forums like Reddit for further assistance.

Division 2 Error Codes Explained

Division 2 Error Codes Explained

Error Code Description
Delta-03 This error occurs when there is a connection problem between your computer and The Division 2 servers. It usually indicates a network issue or server maintenance.
Delta-04 This error occurs when the client fails to connect to the game server due to a timeout. It can be caused by network congestion or server overload.
ECHO-01 This error occurs when the game client loses connection to the Ubisoft servers. It can be caused by network issues or server problems.
ECHO-02 This error occurs when the game client is unable to synchronize with the Ubisoft servers. It can be caused by network connectivity problems or server maintenance.

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Mark Ginter is a tech blogger with a passion for all things gadgets and gizmos. A self-proclaimed "geek", Mark has been blogging about technology for over 15 years. His blog,, covers a wide range of topics including new product releases, industry news, and tips and tricks for getting the most out of your devices. If you're looking for someone who can keep you up-to-date with all the latest tech news and developments, then be sure to follow him over at Microsoft.