Troubleshooting the Disqus comment field doesn’t load or display

  • Techquack has reported that Disqus comments are not loading on their computers.
  • Sometimes we have seen a Disqus comment on mobile but not on the desktop.
  • In some cases, you’ll see the standard WordPress comment box.
  • And unfortunately, if you comment here, it won’t show up in Disqus.
  • This tutorial assumes that you have already set up Disqus, are logged into your WordPress admin area, and logged in your Disqus account.


Unraveling the Mysteries of Disqus Comment Field Loading Troubles

Checking Comment Settings

To troubleshoot a Disqus comment field loading issue, follow these steps:

1. Check your comment settings in the article’s admin area. Ensure that comments are enabled and the Disqus plugin is properly installed.

2. Verify that the Disqus commenting system is activated for your website. Some platforms, like Squarespace or WordPress, may require you to install the Disqus WordPress plugin.

3. Clear your browser’s cache and cookies. This often resolves loading issues related to Disqus or other widgets.

4. Disable any browser extensions or add-ons that may interfere with the loading of the comment box.

5. Ensure that your device and browser are up to date. Outdated software can cause compatibility issues with Disqus.

6. If you’re a moderator, check the Disqus settings page for any specific configurations that may affect the loading of comments.

If the issue persists, consult the Disqus support forum or look for troubleshooting guides on their website. Additionally, reach out to your ISP to see if there are any known issues with Disqus loading on their network.

Remember to respect user privacy and obtain proper consent for data processing when using Disqus or any commenting system.

Troubleshooting Missing Comments

If you’re experiencing trouble with comments not loading in the Disqus comment field, there are a few steps you can take to resolve the issue.

1. Clear your browser’s cache and cookies to ensure a fresh start.
2. Disable any browser extensions or add-ons that may interfere with the comment box loading.
3. Check the site’s admin area or settings to ensure that the comment box is properly enabled.
4. Make sure you have the latest version of the Disqus plugin installed if you’re using platforms like WordPress or Squarespace.
5. Double-check the unique identifier for the comment widget on your page to ensure it is correctly implemented.
6. Consider reaching out to the site’s moderator(s) or support forum for further assistance.

Remember, transparency and privacy are important to us. If you have any concerns about data processing or cookies, please refer to our privacy policy for more information.

Resolving Issues with Disqus Integration

Troubleshooting Disqus Comment Field Loading Issue

If you’re experiencing issues with Disqus integration, follow these steps to resolve the problem:

1. Clear your browser cache and cookies. This helps ensure that any outdated data is removed, allowing the comment box to load properly.
2. Check if the Disqus widget is properly installed on your website. Make sure the code is correctly inserted in the designated section of your website’s code.
3. Disable any ad-blockers or browser extensions that may be interfering with Disqus loading. These can sometimes prevent the comment section from appearing.
4. Verify that your internet connection is stable. Slow or unreliable connections can affect the loading of Disqus.
5. Ensure that you have the latest version of the Disqus WordPress plugin installed, as outdated versions may cause compatibility issues.
6. If you’re using a mobile device, try accessing the comment section from a different browser or device to rule out any compatibility issues.
7. If the issue persists, consult the Disqus troubleshooting guide or contact their support team for further assistance.

For more resources and information on resolving Disqus integration issues, visit the Disqus website.


Disqus Comment Field Not Loading

My Blog Post

This sample code demonstrates a basic web page with a placeholder for the Disqus comment field. It checks if the Disqus script is successfully loaded, and if not, it displays a message indicating that the comment field failed to load. If the script is loaded, it initializes Disqus with the provided configuration. You would need to replace the `page.url` and `page.identifier` values with your own URL and identifier to make it work correctly.

Ensuring Proper Synchronization and Functionality

Ensuring Proper Synchronization and Functionality
Article Title: Troubleshoot Disqus Comment Field Loading Issue
Topic: Fixing problems related to Disqus comment field not loading properly
Objective: To provide troubleshooting steps to resolve issues with Disqus comment field not loading
Sections: 1. Introduction
2. Common Causes of Disqus Comment Field Loading Issue
3. Troubleshooting Steps
4. Conclusion
Section 1: Introduction Provides an overview of the Disqus comment field loading issue and its impact on user engagement
Section 2: Common Causes of Disqus Comment Field Loading Issue Identifies the common reasons behind the loading issue, such as script conflicts, network connectivity, and caching problems
Section 3: Troubleshooting Steps Outlines step-by-step instructions to diagnose and fix the Disqus comment field loading issue, including clearing cache, checking network settings, and resolving script conflicts
Section 4: Conclusion Summarizes the importance of ensuring proper synchronization and functionality of Disqus comment field, and encourages readers to follow the troubleshooting steps provided
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Mark Ginter is a tech blogger with a passion for all things gadgets and gizmos. A self-proclaimed "geek", Mark has been blogging about technology for over 15 years. His blog,, covers a wide range of topics including new product releases, industry news, and tips and tricks for getting the most out of your devices. If you're looking for someone who can keep you up-to-date with all the latest tech news and developments, then be sure to follow him over at Microsoft.